Form Responses


GetFormResponseListResult object

Field Type Description
HasMoreResults bool indicates if there are more results
Offset int Number of results skipped. Will match the parameter passed into the endpoint.
ResultCount int Number of results returned.
Data List of FormResponse objects One item for each form response

FormResponse object

Field Type Description
ResponseId int Unique id generated by NBS
SubmittedBy FormResponseEmployee Object The employee that originally submitted the form
StartDate DateTimeOffset When the form was started
AssignedTo FormResponseEmployee Object Who the form is currently assigned to
Status String Statuses can be custimized by each company
AttachedToType String Describes what type of record the form is attached to.

“IndividualRecord”, “QualityImprovement”, “EducationRecord”, “EmployeeHealth”, “FormsOnly”
RelatedIndividual RelatedIndividual Object Only included if the AttachedToType is “Individual Record” or “Education Record”
RelatedEmployeeHealthEvent RelatedEmployeeHealthEvent Object Only included if the AttachedToType is “Employee Health Incident”
RelatedQualityImprovementIncident RelatedQualityImprovementIncident Object Only included if the AttachedToType is “Quality Improvement Incident”
Answers List of FormResponseAnswers Objects List of the answers to form questions

RelatedIndividual object

Field Type Description
NBSId int Unique identifier created by NBS
EmployeeNumber string Unique within company
FirstName int
LastName int

RelatedEmployeeHealthEvent object

Field Type Description
HealthEventId int Unique identifier per company created by NBS
HealthEventType string
EventDateTime DateTimeOffset
RelatedIndividual RelatedIndividual Object The employee related to the health event

RelatedQualityImprovementIncident object

Field Type Description
IncidentId int Unique identifier per company created by NBS
IncidentType string
IncidentDateTime DateTimeOffset

FormResponseAnswer object

Field Type Description
QuestionId int Unique id for each question generated by NBS
QuestionType string “Dropdown List”, “Radio Buttons”, “Checkboxes”, “Textbox”, “Comments Box”, “Date/Time”, “Number”, “Yes/No”, “True/False”, “Ranking Sum”, “Ranking”, “Radio Button Matrix”, “Checkbox Matrix”, “Textbox Matrix”, “One or More Lines”, “Rating Scale”, “NBS Dropdown List”, “Attach Document”, “Address”, “Name”, “Custom Dropdown”, “Signature”
QuestionText string Label shown to users when completing form
QuestionAlias string Optional identifer for questions
PageNumber int
SectionName string
AnswerValue Object
Because each question type’s answer is different the AnswerValue property is a different structure that makes sense for each question type.

Reference the example response for samples of what each question type’s output looks like.


Note on sending DateTimeOffset

Note that you can include the offset with the times but you need to html encode the + as %2B if you are sending one. For example you would send 2022-01-01T00:00+00:00 as 2022-01-01T00:00%2B00:00.

Get List

Get a list of form submissions during a specified time range.

Authorization needed


Query Parameters

Name Type Required Description
FormId int required The form to query. A list of the company’s forms can be found using the Forms endpoint.
StartDate DateTimeOffset required Specifes date range of form responses to return. Filters based on form start date.

Note on sending offset with datetime
EndDate DateTimeOffset required Specifes date range of form responses to return. Filters based on form start date.

Note on sending offset with datetime
Offset int optional Used for paging results. Number of records to skip. Defaults to 0.
Limit int optional Used for paging results. Max number of results to return, must be between 1-200. Defaults to 200.
Example response

This is an example response that includes all 23 fields types.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "HasMoreResults": false,
    "Offset": 0,
    "Results": 1,
    "FormId": 123,
    "FormTitle": "Every Field Type",
    "Data": [{            
            "ResponseId": 4532853,
            "SubmittedBy": {
                "NBSId": 123,
                "EmployeeNumber": "A123",
                "FirstName": "John",
                "LastName": "Doe"
            "StartDate": "2023-10-17T15:31:05.223-04:00",
            "AssignedTo": : {
                "NBSId": 123,
                "EmployeeNumber": "A123",
                "FirstName": "John",
                "LastName": "Doe"
            "Status": "Open",
            "AttachedToType": "IndividualRecord",
            "RelatedIndividual": {
                "NBSId": 123,
                "EmployeeNumber": "A123",
                "FirstName": "John",
                "LastName": "Doe"
            "Answers": [{
                    "AnswerValue": "testing 123",
                    "QuestionId": 715564,
                    "QuestionType": "Textbox",
                    "QuestionText": "Textbox",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": "multiple lines \r\nof text are \r\nhere",
                    "QuestionId": 715565,
                    "QuestionType": "Comments Box",
                    "QuestionText": "Comments Box",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": "2023-08-14T00:00:00-04:00",
                    "QuestionId": 715566,
                    "QuestionType": "Date/Time",
                    "QuestionText": "Date Time",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": [
                    "QuestionId": 715567,
                    "QuestionType": "Checkboxes",
                    "QuestionText": "Checkboxes",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": {
                        "SelectedValue": "b",
                        "OtherAnswerValue": ""
                    "QuestionId": 715568,
                    "QuestionType": "Radio Buttons",
                    "QuestionText": "Radio Buttons",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": true,
                    "QuestionId": 715569,
                    "QuestionType": "True/False",
                    "QuestionText": "t/f",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": false,
                    "QuestionId": 715570,
                    "QuestionType": "Yes/No",
                    "QuestionText": "y/n",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": {
                        "SelectedValue": "b",
                        "OtherAnswerValue": ""
                    "QuestionId": 715572,
                    "QuestionType": "Dropdown List",
                    "QuestionText": "Dropdown list",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": "Bernard, Andy",
                    "QuestionId": 715573,
                    "QuestionType": "NBS Dropdown List",
                    "QuestionText": "Employee Dropdown",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": "Alaska: Truck 5",
                    "QuestionId": 715574,
                    "QuestionType": "NBS Dropdown List",
                    "QuestionText": "Vehicle Dropdown",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": "Doe, John",
                    "QuestionId": 715575,
                    "QuestionType": "Name",
                    "QuestionText": "Name",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": "Selected Custom Dropdown Value",
                    "QuestionId": 715576,
                    "QuestionType": "Custom Dropdown",
                    "QuestionText": "Custom Dropdown",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": {
                        "StreetAddress1": "123 main",
                        "StreetAddress2": "line 2",
                        "City": "Demo Town",
                        "State": "MI",
                        "ZipCode": "23422"
                    "QuestionId": 715577,
                    "QuestionType": "Address",
                    "QuestionText": "Address",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": 10.0,
                    "QuestionId": 715578,
                    "QuestionType": "Number",
                    "QuestionText": "A Number",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Basic Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": [{
                            "Row": "Row 1",
                            "Column": "Col A",
                            "AnswerText": "Text Typed into 1A"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 1",
                            "Column": "Col B",
                            "AnswerText": "Text Typed into 1B"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 2",
                            "Column": "Col A",
                            "AnswerText": "Text Typed into 2A"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 2",
                            "Column": "Col B",
                            "AnswerText": "Text Typed into 2B"
                    "QuestionId": 715579,
                    "QuestionType": "Textbox Matrix",
                    "QuestionText": "Matrix",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": [{
                            "Row": "Row 1",
                            "SelectedValues": [
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 2",
                            "SelectedValues": [
                                "Very Significant"
                    "QuestionId": 715581,
                    "QuestionType": "Checkbox Matrix",
                    "QuestionText": "Checkbox Matrix",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": [{
                            "Row": "Row 1",
                            "SelectedValue": "Very Good"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 2",
                            "SelectedValue": "Bad"
                    "QuestionId": 715582,
                    "QuestionType": "Radio Button Matrix",
                    "QuestionText": "Radio Button Matrix",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": [{
                            "Row": "First Row",
                            "SelectedValue": "1"
                    "QuestionId": 715583,
                    "QuestionType": "Rating Scale",
                    "QuestionText": "Rating",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": [{
                            "Row": "Row 1",
                            "SelectedValue": "1"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 2",
                            "SelectedValue": "2"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 3",
                            "SelectedValue": "3"
                    "QuestionId": 715584,
                    "QuestionType": "Ranking",
                    "QuestionText": "Ranking",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": [{
                            "Row": "Row A",
                            "SelectedValue": "1"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 2",
                            "SelectedValue": "4"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Row 4",
                            "SelectedValue": "5"
                    "QuestionId": 715585,
                    "QuestionType": "Ranking Sum",
                    "QuestionText": "Ranking Sum",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": [{
                            "Row": "First Row",
                            "SelectedValue": "Text typed into first row"
                        }, {
                            "Row": "Second Row",
                            "SelectedValue": "Text typed into second"
                    "QuestionId": 715586,
                    "QuestionType": "One or More Lines",
                    "QuestionText": "One or More Lines",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": {
                        "FileUri": ""
                    "QuestionId": 715587,
                    "QuestionType": "Attach Document",
                    "QuestionText": "Attachment",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
                }, {
                    "AnswerValue": {
                        "HasSignature": true
                    "QuestionId": 715588,
                    "QuestionType": "Signature",
                    "QuestionText": "Sign Here",
                    "QuestionAlias": "",
                    "PageNumber": 0,
                    "SectionName": "Advanced Fields"
  • bad_request (HTTP 400)
  • unauthorized (HTTP 401) - This APIKey is not valid for this service.
  • internal_error (HTTP 500)