Individual Courses


The IndividualCourse object

Field Type Always Present In Response? Description
IndividualCourseId string Yes Unique identifier created by NBS. Required for update.
CourseName string Yes The name of the course.
CourseDescription string Yes The description of the course.
Credit double No The credit for the course.
StartDate date Yes The start date of the course.
EndDate date Yes The end date of the course.
FirstName string Yes The first name of the individual taking the course.
MiddleName string Yes The middle name of the individual taking the course.
LastName string Yes The last name of the individual taking the course.
IndividualId integer Yes The ID of the individual taking the course.
EmployeeNumber string Yes The employee number of the individual taking the course.
Department string Yes The department of the individual taking the course.
Locale string Yes The locale of the individual taking the course.
JobTitle string Yes The job title(s) of the individual taking the course.
AuthorInstructor string Yes The author(s)/instructor(s) associated with the course completion. If multiple authors/instructors, they will be returned in a comma delimited list.
Status string Yes The status of the completed course.
CourseId integer No The CourseId of the course.
ExamStartDate date No Is populated by the Exam Start Date for a course with an Exam.
ExamEndDate date No Is populated by the Exam End Date for a course with an Exam.


Get Individual Course List

Returns all the individual course attempts, and Individual Course Submissions for the given StatusOption value. You may also pass in the parameter individualId={individualId} to restrict results to a particular Individual. If you pass in IndividualId=0, you will receive results for all individuals matching the given criteria.

  • The startDate and endDate must not exceed 31 days, or your request will not be fulfilled.
StatusOption to pass in Description of what you will get back
0 All exam results including Successes, In Progress, and Failures. Also all Individual Course Submissions.
1 In Progress exam results only. Includes Individual Course Submissions that are pending approval.
2 Failure exam results only. Includes Individual Course Submissions that have been denied.
3 Success exam results only. Includes Individual Course Submissions that have been approved.

Authorization needed

Example response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
  "IndividualCourseId": 0,
  "CourseName": "",
  "CourseDescription": "",
  "Credit": 0,
  "FirstName": "",
  "MiddleName": "",
  "LastName": "",
  "IndividualId": 1234,
  "EmployeeNumber": "",
  "StartDate": "2014-04-14T22:09:50.124896-04:00",
  "EndDate": "2014-04-14T22:09:50.125896-04:00",
  "Department": "",
  "Locale": "",
  "JobTitle": "",
  "AuthorInstructor": ""
  "Status": "Failed",
  "CourseId": 0,
  "ExamStartDate": "2014-04-14T22:09:50.124896-04:00",
  "ExamEndDate": "2014-04-14T22:09:50.125896-04:00"
  • bad_request (HTTP 400)
  • unauthorized (HTTP 401) - This APIKey is not valid for this service.
  • unauthorized (HTTP 401) - invalid credentials (bearer token) supplied
  • not_modified (HTTP 304) - error occurred
  • bad request (HTTP 400) - unknown error occurred