Run Log


The Run Log Form object

Field Type Description
FormId int
FormType string
Archived boolean
InsertDate DateTime
UpdateDate DateTime

GetFormAuditListResult object

Field Type Description
HasMoreResults bool indicates if there are more results
Offset int Number of results skipped. Will match the parameter passed into the endpoint.
ResultCount int Number of results returned.
Data List of FormAudit objects One item for each form response

FormAudit object

Field Type Description
ResponseId int
RunId string
ItemId int
AnswerId int -1 signifies No Response
AnswerText string
OtherText string
AnswerDate DateTime Used to hold response for Date Time field types
ItemText string
PageNumber int
SectionNumber int
OrderNumber int
AuditIndividual AuditIndividual Object
InsertDate DateTime

AuditIndividual object

Field Type Description
UniqueIdentifier string Workday Number - Unique within company
FirstName int
LastName int


Get Run Log Form List

Gets a list of active run types.

Authorization needed

Example response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
        "FormId": 1234,
        "FormType": "Debrief",
        "Archived": true,
        "InsertDate": "2018-05-31T15:06:41.047-04:00",
        "UpdateDate": "2019-05-10T15:14:31.567-04:00"
        "FormId": 4321,
        "FormType": "Utilization",
        "Archived": false,
        "InsertDate": "2018-05-31T15:09:47.93-04:00",
        "UpdateDate": "2018-05-31T15:09:47.93-04:00"
  • bad_request (HTTP 400)
  • unauthorized (HTTP 401) - This APIKey is not valid for this service.
  • internal_error (HTTP 500)

Get Run Log Form Audit List

Gets a list of form answer history for a form during a specific date range.

Authorization needed


Query Parameters

Name Type Required Description
FormId int optional If provided only audit records for the specified form will be provided. See the Run Log Form List endpoint for how to get form ids
StartDate DateTime required Start Date of when to look for audit data
EndDate DateTime required End Date of when to look for audit data
Example response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "HasMoreResults": false,
    "Offset": 0,
    "ResultCount": 2,
    "Data": [
            "ResponseId": 3917627,
            "RunId": "220809",
            "ItemId": 323301,
            "AnswerId": -1,
            "AnswerText": "Rotor Wing",
            "OtherText": "",
            "AnswerDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00-05:00",
            "ItemText": "Mode of Transport",
            "PageNumber": 1,
            "SectionNumber": 1,
            "OrderNumber": 1,
            "InsertBy": {
                "UniqueIdentifier": "45621",
                "FirstName": "John",
                "LastName": "Doe"
            "InsertDate": "2022-09-19T13:06:33.053-04:00"
            "ResponseId": 3917627,
            "RunId": "220809",
            "ItemId": 323301,
            "AnswerId": -1,
            "AnswerText": "Fixed Wing",
            "OtherText": "",
            "AnswerDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00-05:00",
            "ItemText": "Mode of Transport",
            "PageNumber": 1,
            "SectionNumber": 1,
            "OrderNumber": 2,
            "InsertBy": {
                "UniqueIdentifier": "45621",
                "FirstName": "John",
                "LastName": "Doe"
            "InsertDate": "2022-09-19T13:06:33.053-04:00"
  • bad_request (HTTP 400)
  • unauthorized (HTTP 401) - This APIKey is not valid for this service.
  • internal_error (HTTP 500)